Author Archive: reznation

Author Archives for reznation

Pricing Tables

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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin condimentum felis ut ultrices congue. Quisque in lacus condimentum, fringilla nisi commodo, faucibus velit. Integer fermentum mauris adipiscing faucibus tristique. Praesent iaculis sed tellus quis porta. Nulla porta tincidunt libero. Ut nec purus ut lectus convallis pellentesque ac non enim. Etiam suscipit eleifend tincidunt. Praesent volutpat, tortor ac molestie imperdiet, nisi quam imperdiet elit, id dapibus lacus felis sed massa. Cras ultrices enim in sagittis posuere. Vestibulum ac ipsum vitae lectus pretium vestibulum ac rutrum felis. Donec consequat lacus eu mi porta ornare. Duis eget velit ac felis sollicitudin sagittis. 3 Column Pricing Layout

Manual Transmission4 Cylinder Engine60 MPG6 Seats3 Year WarrantyManual Transmission6 Cylinder Engine45 MPG5 Seats4 Year WarrantyAutomatic Transmission8 Cylinder Engine30 MPG4 Seats5 Year Warranty

4 Column Pricing Layout

Manual Transmission4 Cylinder Engine60 MPG6 Seats3 Year WarrantyManual Transmission6 Cylinder Engine45 MPG5 Seats4 Year WarrantyAutomatic Transmission8 Cylinder Engine30 MPG4 Seats5 Y [...]

Sidebar Page

This is an example sidebar page layout
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Nam sollicitudin neque eu nibh pharetra mollis mauris in nisi rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nibh libero, consequat sit amet nisl vitae, suscipit gravida mi. Nam auctor viverra sodales. Quisque posuere tincidunt convallis. Ut viverra neque non diam tempor, id tincidunt mauris cursus. Donec suscipit mattis viverra. Cras sit amet odio sit amet dui aliquam tempus a ultrices felis. Proin sed imperdiet ipsum, ultrices posuere leo. Duis facilisis dapibus enim, ac venenatis nibh mattis in. Cras eu condimentum lacus, ac ultricies leo. Nunc sodales posuere ipsum a suscipit. Mauris tincidunt rutrum auctor. Vivamus a nunc ac augue scelerisque dapibus ut sed augue. Pellentesque fermentum orci in velit pharetra, non lobortis sapien suscipit. Aenean sem nulla, dignissim et bibendum et, consequat in nibh. Nam sollicitudin neque eu nibh pharetra mollis. Mauris in nisi elit. Maecenas at metus rhoncus, facilisis tellus at, pretium orci. Vivamus consectetur sem eget neque dignissim, sit amet sodales urna mattis. Vivamus ut semper dolor. Suspe [...]
SEARCH OUR INVENTORY WELCOME TO EXQUISITE AUTO LEASE! You are about to experience the most luxurious car buying experience of your life.  The buyer's journey while automobile shopping can be a rigorous one.  We are here to take those speed bumps and the guess work out of the equation while getting you in your dream car for a price you never imagined.  Exquisite Auto Lease is able to leverage both our relationships and experience with car dealerships so that you don't have to.  We are accustomed to winning and getting results.  We finish this off by delivering your car directly to your doorstep and welcoming you to the Exquisite Auto Lease family. AVOID THE DEALERSHIP HASSLE AND FEES

Get the best price for the vehicle with the exact make, model and features you desire.  All from the comfort of your own home.  Exquisite Auto Lease will make sure we beat the dealership price and finish the job by delivering your dream vehicle right to your driveway.


Fear not, Exquisite Auto Lease is here to make sure that y [...]

Fullwidth Page

This is an example fullwidth page layout
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Nam sollicitudin neque eu nibh pharetra mollis mauris in nisi rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nibh libero, consequat sit amet nisl vitae, suscipit gravida mi. Nam auctor viverra sodales. Quisque posuere tincidunt convallis. Ut viverra neque non diam tempor, id tincidunt mauris cursus. Donec suscipit mattis viverra. Cras sit amet odio sit amet dui aliquam tempus a ultrices felis. Proin sed imperdiet ipsum, ultrices posuere leo. Duis facilisis dapibus enim, ac venenatis nibh mattis in. Cras eu condimentum lacus, ac ultricies leo. Nunc sodales posuere ipsum a suscipit. Mauris tincidunt rutrum auctor.Vivamus a nunc ac augue scelerisque dapibus ut sed augue. Pellentesque fermentum orci in velit pharetra, non lobortis sapien suscipit. Aenean sem nulla, dignissim et bibendum et, consequat in nibh. Nam sollicitudin neque eu nibh pharetra mollis. Mauris in nisi elit. Maecenas at metus rhoncus, facilisis tellus at, pretium orci. Vivamus consectetur sem eget neque dignissim, sit amet sodales urna mattis. Viva [...]


Frequently Asked Questions
(Adjusted Capital Cost + Residual) * Money Factor + (Adjusted Capital Cost - Residual)/Lease Term.This depends on a couple of different factors. The make and model that you are looking at plays a big factor in determining which is better for you. Every model has a different determined residual value by the manufacturers bank. The money factor(effective cost of borrowing the money from the bank) also plays a role in what you will pay for a lease. All that being said, Generally, if you intend on keeping the car for less than 6 years, leasing is a more cost effective option. It may seem complicated and hard to choose which one is better for you, Luckily, here at Exquisite Auto Lease we do both leasing and sales and can provide you with both quotes and enough information for you to make an educated decision.Money factor is the rate you are being charged for taking a loan, on a lease, from the bank. It was developed for simplicity of calculating leases but also leads to some ambiguity as unlike an APR, regulation does not require the bank or dealer to disclose the money factor. As dealerships are not required to disclose the money factor of a given lease, the [...]

About Us

Attract, engage and convert more qualified vehicle shoppers
OUR MISSION IS SIMPLE Here at Exquisite Auto Lease our goal is to give our customers the most seamless car buying experience they have ever received. img-displayAs soon as you start your buying journey for your new automobile, you will know that you are in the right place, dealing with the right people who are looking out for your best interest.  Our experienced sales people are able to leverage their relationships with dealerships so that you don't have to get duped by them. Once we've pinned down your vehicle to the exact make, model and features, we will conveniently lay out your options for you.  Once your decision has been made we will drop off your dream car right to your doorstep to complete the most seamless transaction you'll ever experience and welcome you to the Exquisite Auto Lease family. WHAT WE SPECIALIZE IN LeasingBuyingPriceRelationshipsDeliveryCredit RepairBreak Lease WHY CHOOSE US? Beat the Dealership Price.Seamless Transaction.Relationship Based.Don't leave your house.  We Deliver! TESTIMONIALS Happiness does not come from doing [...]

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That being said, we will give you an amazing deal for the trouble.
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